Sep 18, 2019 | NHS, Social Care, Technology
Our chief visionary officer, Helen Dempster explains to @digihealthnews how smart #technology can help transform the whole #care eco-system.
Jul 19, 2019 | NHS, Social Care, Technology
Safeguarding of loved ones in domiciliary care is essential, but so is their privacy and right to dignity. Helen Dempster, Chief Visionary Officer, explains how you can find the right balance with the help from IoT, learn more via Open Access Government here.
Jun 6, 2019 | NHS, Social Care, Technology
Chief Visionary Officer Helen Dempster tells IBM’s Karen Dewar how the healthtech company is leveraging IBM’s Cloud services
May 15, 2019 | NHS, Social Care, Technology
Care Briefing article: Technology can give those in the care industry the time to do just that, care, but there is still hesitancy towards adopting AI and robotics across the sector. Helen Dempster, Chief Visionary Officer, outlines why these technologies can play a...
May 15, 2019 | NHS, Social Care, Technology
Article in Care & Nursing highlighting the importance that technology is utilised in order to help fill the gaps and provide the best social care possible.
Apr 25, 2019 | NHS, Social Care, Technology
Read Tim Payne’s blog on re-inventing care at...